
Each day your team’s schedules are already optimized and ready for them.

When a Team Lead begins work at a property, an icon appears next to that address giving everyone visibility on current progress.

When adding new properties, you’ll see routes already exist weeks and months into the future — so you can always pick the ideal team to take care of that property.

Use the Date Selector at the bottom to move forward or backward through the calendar and find an existing route that lines up with the new property.

Your routes, automatically created and optimized for you. Every day. Stop creating a list of addresses in your map app every morning and get right to work.

More Great Features

Intelligent Scheduling

Set your services for a property once, then let Terratory handle scheduling for you, shifting weekly as the seasons change.

Team Lead View

Streamline your Team Lead’s work each day, and see their progress along the way.

Simple Team Management

Activity updates across your teams, current progress for each day, and ability to view upcoming schedules.